DataIntel Multi-Research Platform

Collaborative MultiDisciplinary Innovative

PROJECTS: Intelligent Decision Systems Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering Medical Informatics Virtual & Augmented Reality Smart Sensor Network Advanced Machine Learning

Our Mission

The DataIntel Multi-Research Platform is a Multi-Disciplinary Research Initiative on Information and System Intelligence research with the following aims: Aim 1) Foster collaborative multi-disciplinary projects that utilize artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, intelligent decision support systems (IDSS), and advanced human computer interaction techniques (VR & AR) in different application domains. Aim 2) Initiate a “data-intelligence-as-a-service” (DIaaS) infrastructure to encourage participation. This infrastructure will provide cloud-based open API (application program interface) services as sample AI-driven solutions to be used in different projects.  Aim 3) Attract researchers and industries to collaborate in major projects and expose graduate and undergraduate students to real-world research problems and enhance their critical thinking and practical skills.
